

“I am very pleased with my sleds. I live in Tuktoyaktuk, NWT and have been a subsistence harvester all my life. I also have been guiding big game hunters going on 40 plus years. The sleds pull very easy and I have used them on the tundra, Arctic sea ice and up and down many steep hills and valleys. The hitch makes it very easy to unhook, and last year I had to do that a few times to unhook my skidoo after getting bogged down. The sled went all the way back down the hill with no problem. I am happy to say that from my experience with the sleds, you will not be disappointed. Yukon Expedition Sleds has made the perfect modifications to the higher sides.  Yukon Expedition Sleds, has done an awesome job from my talks with them on the improvements while developing the toboggans.”

Blair Miller- Stone Mountain and Folding Mountain Outfitters

We use the 9.5 foot nomad with the high front and high sides for freighting and the 5 foot boon docker with the high sides and extra high front for breaking trail. Using other skimmers i have repaired hitches, and bolted UHMV to repair other brands of skimmers at least 30 times. We are pulling huge loads in the 9.5 many times exceeding 1000lbs and have not broke anything yet. I do recommend the extra high front for keeping snow out. Expensive, but for extreme abuse/use i dont think there could be a better set up. Last skimmers we will every buy. Thanks for a great product and service guys!


“Anyone looking for a new skimmer, these are the last ones you will ever buy. I own 9 of them and they are the toughest, easiest to pull and lightest I’ve ever had. I’ve hauled 25 Jerry cans full and pulled it through overflow, up hills and through roughtrails with stumps sticking out. They bounce off stumps instead of breaking or cracking. They also slide on the trail and act like a snake in moguls, unlike a box skimmer which slaps after every bump. You will not regret buying one of these!!”


For anyone that is wondering, these are the best sleds ever built! I pulled in over 40,000 pounds and never had a problem! They work amazing and you won’t find a tougher, lighter or easier pulling sled out there! I’ll take another one, built the same as this one."


"As an avid winter outdoorsman and a Canadian Ranger, I have been using the low profile version of these for years. They are very durable and flex in the tough terrain that I travel in. The material is incredible in the cold weather. I have hauled heavy loads over 1000 pounds long distance with no issues. They are a very simple design, but I like that they can be B trained with no hitch issues. Solid as a Rock!”

“Highly recommend YES toboggans from hunting, trapping, fishing or hauling wood. You’ll never find a tougher sled anywhere!! Arctic proven reliability.”

Wayne Baiton (Northern Saskatchewan) 


I know this word is over used these days, but if I only had one way to describe Yukon Expedition Sleds that would have to be it.  Im back from a week long winter camping trip (consistent -30 C).  The Arctic Nomad Exceeded Expectations for performance.  Had about 600lbs of cargo including some ride- decerning precious level stuff made up of my furry friend (dog).  Thank you for your build quality, attention to detail and customer service. All above and beyond . Thanks Yukon Sleds Team 

Tyler Hunt (Northern Manitoba) 

You cannot beat the quality of this toboggan. I have used fiberglass toboggans for years and will never look back. The ingenuity of the design combined with construction of high quality UMHW resistant to cracking up to minus 107 degrees Celsius make this toboggan an imperative purchase for anyone serious about backcountry expeditions and not wanting to deal with sleigh/toboggan issues over the course of their trip.